Student Health Portal at is a safe, convenient and secure environment to submit and upload your SU health form, medical documentation and a copy of your insurance card both front and back. Students must be registered for at least one class to gain access to the portal.
University Medical Forms
All health information is entered by going to You must fill in the date of your vaccinations and upload documentation of those vaccinations.
- Shenandoah University Health Form
- Tuberculous Statement of Treatment Form
For students with a positive TB skin test where a chest x-ray is required
Other Forms & Policies
All students admitted to the School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, or School of Health Professions must provide evidence of specific immunizations prior to the applicable date set forth on the Health and Insurance Requirements for Health Professions Students form. Students who fail to provide these documents before the deadline may have their admission revoked, or be suspended or dismissed from SU, and will not be allowed to attend classes, laboratory sessions, or clinical rotations. As a result of public health considerations, students admitted to a Health Professions program must meet with their program director if completing a Religious Exemption to the immunization requirements.
Late Fees
A $30.00 late fee will be charged to the student account for any incomplete health form and insurance requirement. SU health forms and supporting documents are due by August 1 for the fall semester, December 15 for the spring semester, and May 15 for the summer semester. You must upload a copy of your insurance card to the health portal at along with your health form. If you are in the process of completing your immunizations because of minimum vaccine interval you the fee will be delayed until after vaccine due date. Questions or concerns? Contact us at (540) 665-4530.